
Sounds of my Day # ilosttrack.

- "Happy Birthday Joanie! Now where's the stripper?"

- I don't know how not to love you.

- "She's PREGNANT?!"

- And those who were seem dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

- Hold a true friend with both hands.

- "It makes me mad... EVERYTIME!!!!!"

- Me: "Muuurrrrrr Durrrrrr Huurrrrrrrr"
You: "Do you realize what you've just said?"

- Vic: "Can I see the receipt?"
Joan:"I'm sorry I don't speak Mandarin"

- If i could write you a song and make you fall in love I would already have you up under my arm.

- You have me.

- McKenzie: "Hey, maybe you should write a book."
Tom: "What?"
McKenzie: "Well, you know, Henry Miller said the best way to get over a woman is to turn her into literature"

- "Sometimes, my own voice and face and walk annoys me. How can I get away from myself?"

- "Every time I get close to my destination, a good song always comes on shuffle."

- Summer: "You weren't wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me."

- "And then Tom met Autumn. Autumn came after Summer. Tom re-evaluated the meaning fate and he thought, could it be mere coincidence? Could it be... real..fate?"

- Elvis: "Why does bubblegum pop when you blow it?"
Joan: "Because the gum runs out of surface area to continue expanding"
Elvis: "No because you can continue to blow it if you introduce the air at a slow and steady pace as opposed to a mass rush of air which would quickly cause it to blow"
Joan: " -___- shut the fuck up."

- Owl: "HOLY SHIT THAT TREE IS EATING THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

- Skeptical hippo is...skeptical.

- He's an island to discover.


- "It was strange to be conscious of another person’s existence, to feel it as a close, urgent necessity; a necessity without qualifications, neither pleasant nor painful, merely final like an ultimatum."

- What good is being famous, if I'm never on your mind?

- Closeout....Paradise?

- idiot: Pants on the ground...pants on the ground...lookin' like a fool with your pants on the groundddd.

- "I get high to balance out the lows."

- "You know why i could fit in there?...Because i'm LITTLE."

- "Maybe i should get my mind back"
"It's just a matter of time."

- Felicity Fox: "You know, you really are... fantastic."
Mr. Fox:"I try."

- I got nothin.

- "You're a brilliant writer. Can you please write my screen plays when i'm rich and famous?"

- "Will you marry me?"

- shorter and sweeter.

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