
Ways to discover new music.

Discover new music with this site. You won't regret it. Plus, it's aesthetically fascinating.

Now that's a long word.

“Mamihlapinatapai: A look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start.”

Angry Mop is angry.


Truths of Being an Adult.

The Work Place.

"If you're like most people I work with in companies, the demands come at you from every angle, all day long, and you have to make difficult decisions without much time to think about them. What enduring principles can you rely on to make choices that reflect openness, integrity and authenticity?

Here are ten that work for me:

1. Always challenge certainty, especially your own. When you think you're undeniably right, ask yourself "What might I be missing here?" If we could truly figure it all out, what else would there be left to do?

2. Excellence is an unrelenting struggle, but it's also the surest route to enduring satisfaction. Amy Chua, the over-the-top "Tiger Mother," was right that there's no shortcut to excellence. Getting there requires practicing deliberately, delaying gratification, and forever challenging your current comfort zone.

3. Emotions are contagious, so it pays to know what you're feeling. Think of the best boss you ever had. How did he or she make you feel? That's the way you want to make others feel.

4. When in doubt, ask yourself, "How would I behave here at my best?" We know instinctively what it means to do the right thing, even when we're inclined to do the opposite. If you find it impossible, in a challenging moment, to envision how you'd behave at your best, try imagining how someone you admire would respond.

5. If you do what you love, the money may or may not follow, but you'll love what you do. It's magical thinking to assume you'll be rewarded with riches for following your heart. What it will give you is a richer life. If material riches don't follow, and you decide they're important, there's always time for Plan B.

6. You need less than you think you do. All your life, you've been led to believe that more is better, and that whatever you have isn't enough. It's a prescription for disappointment. Instead ask yourself this: How much of what you already have truly adds value in your life? What could you do without?

7. Accept yourself exactly as you are but never stop trying to learn and grow. One without the other just doesn't cut it. The first, by itself, leads to complacency, the second to self-flagellation. The paradoxical trick is to embrace these opposites, using self-acceptance as an antidote to fear and as a cushion in the face of setbacks.

8. Meaning isn't something you discover, it's something you create, one step at a time. Meaning is derived from finding a way to express your unique skills and passion in the service of something larger than yourself. Figuring out how best to contribute is a lifelong challenge, reborn every day.

9. You can't change what you don't notice and not noticing won't make it go away. Each of us has an infinite capacity for self-deception. To avoid pain, we rationalize, minimize, deny, and go numb. The antidote is the willingness to look at yourself with unsparing honesty, and to hold yourself accountable to the person you want to be.

10. When in doubt, take responsibility. It's called being a true adult."

-Harvard Business Review Article.


Morning Chat with my sister.

Deja Entendu.


Recently, I've become slightly obsessed with both oatmeal and variations of omelets.

1. I've never had hot oatmeal in my life...I've somehow come to believe that it tastes mildly like warm, damp cardboard. I don't know what made me come to this conclusion...but I've realized that I'm terribly wrong. Since most of my Sbux meals/coffees are on the house, I decided to give it a shot. The outcome shocked me, I almost wanted 3 more oatmeal cups. Now I can't get enough of it.
Also, based on people's reactions when I tell them I've never had oatmeal before today, it seems as if it's equivalent to never having tasted coffee.

Now, for the omelet.
My favorite by far is as follows:
3 egg whites & 1 whole egg, beaten.
1 whole vine tomato.
handful of fresh organic spinach.
4 slices of pepper turkey, pulled into quarter parts.

Sometimes, I replace the turkey with organic chicken franks, depending on what I've got in my fridge. Sometimes, both.
I'll have a picture next time.


Kevin Devine - The Longer That I'm Out Here

The Song that made me fall in love with Kevin Devine.

Lyrics are awesome. Everytime I saw him play live, EVERYONE goes insane for this song.

The longer that I'm out here the better you sound
You're scrunching up your face in this picture I found
And I'm chasing after you, steadily losing ground
I don't wanna forget so I'm writing it down

Have you ever? No, never never?
I find that hard to believe
So let's burn the furniture
To see how angry a fire could make me

Now you say that there's someone that you need to reconnect with
Some scarecrow from high school that you loved but never slept with
A baby with a pipe dream playing hopscotch on your bandages
[ Lyrics from: ]
And I'm singing all his songs while I sleep on your couch
I'm coughing up a lung but I'm covering my mouth
And I paint you on the wall
Yellow, red, green and brown
I miss you all the time but I'm blocking it out

Are you better? No, never never?
What does that say about me?
Now let's break the smoke alarm
To see how scared locked windows'll make me

So you say there's a stranger staring sideways in a deep freeze
A loner draped in ivy playing slumlord in his city dream
A faker with an art form pulling magic tricks on the weak girls up his sleeve

And I'm choking right along with the words in my throat
I'm falling back in love with the letter you wrote
And I think that I was wrong, but I guess I don't know
I figure that I'll wait until you tell me so

One of my favorite themes, upward trees.


A Boy With a Coin.

A boy with a coin he found in the weeds
With bullets and pages of trade magazines
Close to a car that flipped on the turn
When God left the ground to circle the world

A girl with a bird she found in the snow
Then flew up her gown and that's how she knows
If God made her eyes for crying at birth
Then left the ground to circle the earth

A boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans
Then making a wish he tossed in the sea
Walked to a town that all of us burn
When God left the ground to circle the world

The xx- Crystalised


The best thing ever.

If you don't enjoy this, get far far away from me.


I wonder what really happened.
I don't think I ever want to know.



Perfectly aligned sprectrum of souls.

"I am just one person, I am just me and nothing more. There is only so much a person can take, that is undeniable.

Doubt is what slowly burns a soul, the dull but persistent pain of it. It is impossible to rid yourself of it; it is the second coming of the plague within a person.

The most terrible thing is not knowing what is right. Everything shines with exact reflections of our souls and all are perfectly aligned within the color spectrum, but what if what you see isn't what is real? How can one know? The answer, I suppose, is to take the risk, to guess based on your wisest judgement, and hope,that the colors will align in my eyes as well reality."

Beautiful, these words I have found.


uhhmazing. J Cole.

What do you fear?

What do you fear?
What makes your tremble?
What gives you cause to hide or run?

Whatever it may be, face it, look at it, be fascinated by it, find its weakness, maybe become friends with it, then move on.
Fear is nothing unless you make it something.
There are no actions, just reactions.

Octopus bath.


Eyedea & Abilities - A Murder of Memories

Eyedea & Abilities - Now

I'll still smile.

A prince in practice moans for the attention that he wants
but most of this town won't even dignify his ignorance with a response
left to a crowded foster home by a 15 year old mom
never been held in anyone's arms when you've never been moved its really hard to move on
A young saleswoman sets up shop when the sun sets
she'll make your wildest dreams come true at a price you wont forget
The sadly married set up alibis no harm no regret
hoping they meet an angel in bed that can wrestle the devil right out of their heads
This city runs fast, no one has time to sit with themselves,no time to look into our pain
or see the same despair in everyone else
its here, its there, its everywhere tears soak each card the dealers dealt
But time taught me how to see every second as heaven even though they're perfectly disguised as hell
And I refuse to let past bruises cover the light
it ain't all good, but its all good enough,
so I know I'm alright
agony is truth its our connection to the living I accept it as perfection and keep on existing in the now

I can only build if I tear the walls down
even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
I'm falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
I'll still smile
I can only build if I tear the walls down
even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
I'm falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
I'll still smile

...ear to ear as if that's all I'm here for
despite the wars founded by the rich, funded by the poor
kids barely 18 are dying so billionaires can make more
elsewhere hungry mothers watch their babies starve to death in a beat up shack on a dirt floor
The aged professor quotes "Freedom's without a path"
now he dresses like a widow and preaches "love is dead" in every class
But curiosity killed the cat and taught
the dog in him how to act
and it burned his bridge to Jill so he tries to drown the guilt with a bottle of Jack
Self proclaimed rebels say "We must oppose the system!"
"You gotta take a stand!" "If your not against them your with them!"
signs read "Support the troops bring em' home!" "No more innocent victims!"
but when a homeless veteran asks for spare change your to busy protesting to even listen
And I'm no different I live in conflict and contradiction but it can be so beautiful
when I don't reject what lies within
It's beautiful the way agony connects us to the living
I think of the world when I hurt, and keep on existing in the now

I can only build if I tear the walls down
even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
I'm falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
I'll still smile
I can only build if I tear the walls down
even if it breaks me I wont let it make me frown
I'm falling but no matter how hard I hit the ground
I'll still smile.

Eyedea & Abilities - Smile


fuck social networking.

Facebook gives you options to categorize your friends by family, close friends, acquaintances, etc...
Spotify is just one big mystery to me.
Google+ came and went before I even bothered to figure it out.
Electronic book things are disgusting. What happened to turning your own pages that are actually made of REAL paper?
Twitter is....tolerable.

I've said it hundreds of times, but I am so tired of social networking. Yes, i know i'm blogging in a virtual world where everything gets poured into this giant soup of random information....but this right, this is semi-different but still not excusable so i am aware I'm being semi-hypocritical but really, very few people read this, no one's commenting on every word i write, no one's "liking" my writing, no one's tagging me in random, i suppose this somewhat of an exception.

Skinny Love cover - so beautiful.

Plato's Symposium

"According to Greek mythology, humans were born with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with 2 faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives finding their other halves." - Plato's Symposium


Proud of You.

I enjoy this a lot.
I love Drake. Since he was nothing, and now everything. If you don't like his music, at least respect him. He is great.


I want it forever and I know it and you know it too. It is what people search for all their lives.


Flying Mustache.

Just can't.
Just can't.


I chose this path for myself, this one portion of my life. What's to come within? Sometimes, it frightens and I wonder if that feeling should ever be associated with it. Do I want to willingly do this to myself, regularly? I know I'm being vague and all of you haven't a clue what I'm talking about, this is for myself, for my clarity, my own words are my comb to detangle my thoughts.
I don't know.