
fuck social networking.

Facebook gives you options to categorize your friends by family, close friends, acquaintances, etc...
Spotify is just one big mystery to me.
Google+ came and went before I even bothered to figure it out.
Electronic book things are disgusting. What happened to turning your own pages that are actually made of REAL paper?
Twitter is....tolerable.

I've said it hundreds of times, but I am so tired of social networking. Yes, i know i'm blogging in a virtual world where everything gets poured into this giant soup of random information....but this right, this is semi-different but still not excusable so i am aware I'm being semi-hypocritical but really, very few people read this, no one's commenting on every word i write, no one's "liking" my writing, no one's tagging me in random shit...THANKFULLY....so, i suppose this somewhat of an exception.

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