
no subject at all

I never ever say what really bothers me most of them time because i just don't careee.
But really i just need to write it and somehow, maybe i just won't care all over again.

I really hate when i don't know what to say,
or when i can't make conversation because i'm afraid i'll say something dumb or something that goes to far.
or when i can't be my self when most of the time i really am,
i hate it when i sit in silence and i know things should be said,
i hate it when i'm confused and i let myself stay that way,
when people don't answer me when i know they're there and i'm always there,
when people say NM,
when people don't realize they can tell me anything and i'll listen,
i hate odd numbers,
when people don't use you're and your properly,
i don't hate hypocrites because i am one sometimes.
when people just say things without thinking,
i hate when others can't tell i'm not okay when i can easily tell they aren't,
when i spill coffee all over my cup every time because apparently i can't drink from a cup properly.

I decided not to get the Play Crack tattoo. I really love that song, the lyrics, the melody, the fact that some people learned to play it on a guitar just for me, i love the meaning, i love how i understand it. Although, i cannot believe it. i really cannot truly believe in the song and if i get it tattooed to me, it will be like a constant reminder of it...and i don't want that.


this girl is my sisterrr.