
I just want some days without anything to do and no one to see. Or rather, people who don't matter.


Bon Iver - Woods

UMMMMMM accidentally found the sample for Lost in The World by Kanye. HE SAMPLED BON IVER. Kanye, you chose well.

My my my my.


It can't get any more real.
The magic of it is resiliency.

I've come to realize I am in love with the Sun. It shines, always. There may be clouds, rain and storms standing in its way but behind the treacherous's always there, shinning strong, and bright.

Heard: "It's a like a Rubik's cube; still whole but the parts are all mangled and disheveled. Twist it, turn it and adjust it until it's all in order. Then, all is good in the world."

Bon Iver

Music that's beautiful without an explanation.
Listen to it and watch the video. Feel it.
I'm sorry if you're missing out.


Inspiration can sometimes come from within.

Beauty of life.

The only way to live is in content.
Unaffected by negativity.
People change, people become better people. I thoroughly believe in that and I've visually witnessed it myself...calling it a beautiful site is an understatement.
I feel like every motion, every moment, every sunrise, sunset, every stride, every breathe can parallel a song.
I was told I feel music as a musician does.

Everything is relative to the individual. To one, life may seem too long, to the latter, life is too depends on how you approach it, your experiences, what you expose yourself to, how deeply you explore the vast and un-ventured angles of life, your openness to love, how far your willing to go for your desires.

The saddest tragedy of life is a lack of dreaming. Look within yourself, search for something, whether it be known or simply an exploration.

I've said this tens of times, but think of the moment that just passed when you read the word directly before this one, how important was that moment? Perhaps not very...but that's not the point; the moment you remember, the one that never seems to fade as a memory, those are the ones that come previously and after the seemingly useless's a process, it all builds up, then falls, then builds up to something else you'll never forget. This is the beauty of life.

The power of the things we experience is an inexplicable human event. It's quite beautiful. How we feel after experiencing something unknown to us is another miracle. After those moments, we are unable to feel anything lesser. This is the power of a life worth living. Although all my words are rarely read and by very few people, I hope someone is in agreement with me.


Dave Matthews - Some Devil

"The waves crashed above your voice. You spoke but all I could hear was the quiet booming of white foam."


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.
Carl Jung.


I've been listening to music that's different from my common playlists. I enjoy that. I wish I had my ipod to listen to everything when i'm not home.
Holding onto what it is, forever.
I can't believe the beauty I found, nothing compares to it. I'll never find something like it again. It's inspiring, and somehow opens the door to living more and breathing deeper.


I came home and found a shredder in my living room. My dad bought it for me, a little random. Why did he have to write his a message on THIS piece of paper? What kind of fucked up, sick karma, ridiculously out of this world coincidence is that?
This is the first piece of paper in shredding.


Once in a lifetime type of thing.

Blockhead - Insomniac Olympics

Rod Dougan - Clubbed to death


I smile just because
I've got a city love.



The body is endlessly beautiful. The anatomy, the wondrous awe, the curves, the shapes, the indentations that only bring a smile to our faces, the slenderness...a creation of beauty within massive proportions.

I love beautiful places.
One of the greatest activities is thinking. We are unique...because we can think.
And in result, creating seamlessly.



When I was in 8th grade, I had this friend and her name as Jessica. We made up our own written language and dialect so that no one can decipher what we 'getting across to one another. It was incredible. I wish I could remember it, it made me hate Junior High slightly less.

I'm sorry if you don't like that my coffee cups don't match.

Picked on in Elementary School for being awkward and talkative. Junior-High, semi-normal but still severely odd. High School, complete 180 degree turn. I'd say I took the biggest leaps from Junior to regular high school...not to say that I haven't dramatically changed from 9th grade up until now, because obviously I did, however, not NEARLY as big of a leap compared to the former. I think when I turned 19, something also struck me as a catalyst to cause an epiphany which ultimately provoked another leap. It's wonderful and I love that life does that, whether I'm conscious of it or not, whether it be sooner or later that I realize it.

God damn, I love pistachios. Who can ever eat

I hate it when people my age have terrible vocab or grammar skills. Like...I've heard some terrible stuff, I can't even bring myself to repeat.

Sedentary life-styles are an epidemic. Fuck the fact that the French eat small portions regardless of the fact that their meals are high in fats, carbs and oils. Fuck that the Chinese eat just rice for breakfast, lunch & dinner and never get fat? They're immune to it! These elements do nothing, considering that their diet is small but concise. Fuck every other country and continent, we've got a shit-ton of crap in the food we eat. Yeah, I'm an active participant in the "unhealthy snack food club", but that doesn't mean the other 90% of my diet doesn't consist of lean meats, whole wheat fiber and greens, because it does. People have to stop going for convenience and get some of that HEALTHY GRUB. Just because you allow some indulgence, it doesn't mean you can't pack an apple instead of Ritz crackers?
Also, go outside, take a walk, buy a bike, hire a trainer or physical therapist if needed, run in place, do jumping SOMETHING. Exercise makes you happy. And happy people like happy people.

I keep eating these pistachios like there's no tomorrow.

When I drive, I drive like a fucking Boss; especially with Chiodos blasting.

Godammit, I resent wasted days off from work. Sometimes I just sleep half day haha. I gotta stay up and do things.

I have to wake-up at 5am and I'm still here typing up things. 'Tis okay, I'm loving my pistachios.

Don't you hate when you've got a whole bag of pistachios and you find one but fail to open it because it's one of those retarded half-opened ones?

Also, I can't get the idea of the world Hypotenuse being some sort of ant-eating resembling type creature.



Miguel - Sure Thing


Coffee cups.

I thoroughly enjoy sitting comfortably in my kitchen on my wooden table and matching chairs that my dad gave me, listening to relaxing music and letting the sun shine through my windows onto the parquet floor. THIS is the feeling I wanted when I moved out, and I'm currently experiencing it. Do you know how incredible it is to be completely aware you've the reached the point you so desperately wanted to reach?

I like that my coffee cups or dishes don't match, that my broom is old and tethered, that a lot of my belongings are industrial style, that I have a slight obsession with owning over 15 towels, that I kind of wish everything were purple, that I can play all of my music anytime, that I refuse to own more than 3 unhealthy foods, everything.
The magic of love is resiliency. It's a phenomenon not meant to be understood, but experienced and thrived upon. It's spectacular. This is my take.


This font is enjoyable.


I still love this dance.

I love So You Think You Can Dance. I suppose you'd call it a guilty pleasure?...although my feelings towards are nothing short of proud.
Tons of shows revamped the same idea. LAME.

RJD2 - Final Frontier

Bonobo - Recurring

in the waiting line.

I think that I do.

This song. Nostalgia. This dance. Nostalgia.


I always eat so much food right before bed.


Island to discover.

Jack Johnson.

The piano took up the living room.
You played me Boogie Woogie.
I played you love songs.
You'd say we're playing House.
We built your ghetto way up in a tree we found.
We felt so far away, but we were still in town.

Like he's never felt a figure before.

Just Like a Star.


Darling, you are the only exception.

The only song I very much enjoy by Paramore. I loved them live.