
It's a universal language

I wish I wasn't too old to go to tennis camp at Arthur Ashe. I loved being the best at the beginner's level.

Once you love, you are incapable of feeling anything lesser. People of who speak of love promiscously have never fallen into it. So let me be real here...

I am about the now and the potential, doing what you please because there are no obligations...being a bird really calls for freedom to fly and still be close...
I'm about going in my best friend's fridge and eating her ice cream because we're that comfortable with eachother...
I'm about getting to be best friends at some point with my whomever my boyfriend may be because I refuse to settle for less.

I learn as I go...patience is important. Conversely, good judgement is also quite dire.

A lot of awful things happen to wonderful people...however, misfortunes make the world revolve. Without sadness, we'd never know what it feels like to heal, scars would never mark us and life stays stagnant. Progression would be non-existent. There is no learning without mistakes and regret. The person behind these blue eyes sees things from a wider spectrum, my peripheral vision is expanded...

I never want to be the girl that gets flowers daily, i'm not the one youre going to see in only dresses and heels over Filet Minot & caviar. I'm the person you could call when youre crying hysterically because I'll never fail to create a smile or give you solicited advice, I'll share everything since there's a reason why there's more than one person on this planet. You could watch King of Queens with me, eat a whole pizza pie, see transformers, get drunk, fly to Germany on a whim, shop for socks, run on the treadmill, play chess and dive into the ball pit thingy in McDonald's at the age of 30. I'm your friend before anything.

Just so the this world filled with 6 billion people doesn't forget... The universal language is love.
Love doesn't fill a void, it complements another existence. It's provides support in absolutely anything. In every sense of the's sharing everything and still keeping who you are. It creates space for itself and is there when its needed and even when it's not.

WORLD...don't forget that when everything is going wrong...I assure you there's some love out there to put a smile on your face.

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