
the perils of smoking, bank accounts, winter and the MTA.

So I've got some major venting to do.

#1) Smokers: As i was leaving the gym today, I see a man and a woman who I assume are dating idling outside the entrance. When I look closely, I realize that they're BOTH smoking WHILE wearing gym clothes, indicating that they're about to EXERCISE after SMOKING. (Mind you, they're clearly overweight...) I know this is something people do sometimes but I never cease to think these people are utter morons. Yes, I know, quitting is a treacherous path before it gets any smoother but COME ON PEOPLE.

A couple of people (smokers) have told me that they're cardio exercise limit is 15 minutes. This tid bit of information that several people have told me WORD FOR WORD..."Nah, I can't run or bike all that long. I'm a smoker." Oh, it hurts my soul whenever I hear this. What I'm REALLY hearing everytime these words cross my path is, "I lack the ability to pump a sufficient amount of oxygen to my heart because I constantly inhale toxic materials therefore my exercise limit is minimized."
I'm both disgusted, saddened, and just slightly lose hope in man kind...i mean smokers. :D

So the point is, for God's sake, say no to cancer and get yourself on the right track.

#2) I'll make this one short. I've come to the final conclusion that the entire MTA system is fucked beyond repair. Unless someone pulls half the world's population worth of money out of their ass, we're screwed. I can't help believe what public transportation is by definition...a cheaper way of traveling as well as a small step in preventing the giant Global Warming issue that everyone seems to blabber about with their cousins, neighbors and dogs. So how is that the tables have turned and now driving is cheaper than the MTA? I'm sorry but when I saw once 1.90 per gallon of gas, my jaw dropped....and I never even had a car nor do I have a license. The last time I recall gas was so cheap, I think I was, like, 11? My mom used to pay 20 bucks to fill up her ancient Nissan Hatchback and off we went with a full tank! Fuck you recession. FUCK YOU. .|..
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#3) I think Winter has become so unbearable for me that I'm sure I won't be able to function one more of these 28 degree mornings. I would KILL to be care on the beach this second...alone...enjoying the vastness of the ocean...soaking in way to much Vitamin D. Sadly enough, I don't think I want to live any where but NYC.

#4) So being the moron that I am, I mistakenly put down the account for my checking instead of savings on my tax returns. THOUGH, i did check the savings box so I'm not sure why they disregarded the difference in accounts. Regardless, After months of wondering where my much anticipated check was, I finally came to the realization that it went to my checking...so essentially I spent it WITHOUT knowing I did. NO wonder my debit card never declined! i just thought i was spending small amounts of money! Fuck, I should have looked into my statements more carefully and realized there was 1000 dollars deposited. HOW COULD I MISS THIS? I admit, i fucked up, i lost money, my dad lost money because I filed independently....argh. I WILL BE MUCH MORE CAREFUL WITH MY MONIES. life goes on.

more to come soon.

1 comment:

mazen said...

i loved the smoking paragraph... where have i heard that before?