
Sounds of my day...

^ credit Cait M.B. great friend. great photographer.
Today, Cloudy with a change of showers in the evening...
This is a Brooklyn bounds M Train, the next stop is...Chambers Street...
Stand clear of the closing doors please...
I love you...
Rhythm is the flow of music through time...
Revolving door, over the top, keep your wrists straight, now jump rope!...
do you think it'll last?...
You're not who I thought you were...
Give me back my plushy earphone...
What was he thinking...
Are those your real eyes?...
Just jealous cause we're young and in love...
Somewhat golden like the afternoons we used to spend before you go too cool...
Can we erase single memories?...
Stand clear of the closing doors please...
I just found out there's no such thing as the real world...
When you see me cross the street because I'll surely knock you out...
I am invincible...
Fighting battles with food...
Wanna get lunch?...I'm in the boooofeee....
A man in a hotel tangles to his teeth by the telephone...
I want to play with the notches in your spine...
I'm carving your silhouette in the air...
Ids ids ids...
If my thoughts exist then I, too, must exist...
Next Stop...stony brook...
Ray Ban? Ray Bari?...
Fight off your demons fight off your demons fight off your demons...
excuse me miss can you spare some change?...
Gabriela Paula Lazar...
I saw our sad Messiah...
Arrhythmia, pacing, heart, tingling, diffused pain, hypertension...
Who needs friends? I need friends. Where do i find them? Hell if I know...
Well I love you so much, but do me a favor baby don't reply, cause I can dish it out...I can't take it...
This story's old and it goes on and old until we disappear...
This is Flatbush avenue...
bush apologized but no one gives a shit...
Lightning crashes...
I faltered but I forgave...
Tall no foam skinny hazelnut latte...
$11 dollar bills you know you got ten...
You know, the movie about drugs..."Rugs?!"...Drugs!..."drunks?!...DRUGS!!!...OHH.
Let's see who's a good Jewish child today...
Do you wanna go feed a kangaroo in Australia?...
Koala bears are cuter that pandas. I beg to differ...
Know any psychological tearjerkers?...
The library hates me...
Everyone must get stoned...
Get a live journal...
I need dishwasher liquid...laundry detergent?...NO dishwasher liquid!...
It's Islam awareness month. really?...I wasn't aware...
Transfer is available to the N,R,M,Q,2,3,4,5,J, Z and the LIRR.
There's something enticing about Kid Rock, but I want my kids away from him...
He is the lamb, she is the slaughterer...
Remember that time we discussed vampires and how people secretly want to be them...
Die young an save yourself...
You wanna share a banana?...
Who married Scarlet?...
what color is in your hair?...
Did you pour red in your hair before you got here?...
Any swing dancers here?...
i hate you for your face not just the things you do...
Don't forget your microwave. They're muffins stupid...
Yes, I made the cinnamon toast from scratch...
I'm one of those lip syncers on the train...

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