

Sometimes, I think about fear. It's an interesting phenomenon. Why are some us driven by fear and others shelter themselves from it?

I think about knowledge. How do we shape our beliefs? Why do we chose one thing over another? Is it a gut feeling... or a genuine, logical decision? What is logic anyway? It's all subjective to each and every person.

I think about the people I've met and how they are are left to just fragmented memories of the past. I see only pictures, frozen strand still moments that have occurred in vaster, more intricate occurrences. Why can't I remember entire memories, from start to finish? It's like I fill in the gaps with something I create in my mind. I can separate reality from falsehood, it's just interesting that the mind can do that.

I think about the validity of what I'm saying here. Why do my words matter? Who reads them and re-thinks their train of thought? Probably no one... but it's nice to think that it's a possibility someone will.

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