
biggest thief


"In this moment she felt she had been robbed of an enormous number of valuable things, whether material or intangible: things lost or broken by her own fault, things she had forgotten and left in houses when she moved: books borrowed and not returned, journey's she had planned and not made, words she had waited to hear spoken to her and had not heard, and the words she had meant to answer with her bitter alternatives and intolerable substitutes worse than anything, and yet inescapable: the long patient suffering of dying friendships and the dark inexplicable death of love -- all that she had had, and all that she had missed, were lost together, and were twice lost in the landslide of remembered losses."

"She was right to not be afraid of any thief but herself, who will end up leaving her nothing."

We are our biggest thieves.

hidden luminosity in van gogh

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