
Kurt and Blaine

Just watched the season opener of Glee. I think some of the song choices aren't great... admittadly, I fast forward through maybe half of the excessive crap, BUT, the really really REALLY reallllllly excellent, 1 out of 10 performances, make up for all the other mildly tolerable parts.

I'm specifically talking about MOST finales or episodes, finales as in the last song performed at the end of an ep. On this opening ep, they did a spectacular rendition of "All you Need is Love" by the Beatles. I have a weakness for bringing together characters who have grown into separate arcs and sub-plots within one major song and dance performance, and lucky for me, that's exactly what they did. I also have a love/hate relationship with on-screen relationships that that end but drag on and on and on because of the question of "will they or won't they get back together?" I understand the writer's choice of dragging these things on, obviously it keeps us interested, wondering, guessing, hoping, probably rooting for them to reunite. It's human nature to want to calm the storm. It's a great trick for long running tv shows to keep the audience's attention. I'm ok with it. Most people are ok with it. It's a thing. I get it.

But after many, MANY long episodes filled with Blaine pining for Kurt and feeling so distraught over his's really, really wonderful to see them reunite, even if all of it is completely scripted and fake... it lets us live in this world that we always forget isn't real... but that's what art is, what acting is, what music is, we find ourselves in this place that we truly believe we are living within. It's a good thing. It enhances us in a way. I'm trying to find the right words to put it but I'm distracted by the Parks and Recreation that's on pause right now and the fact that  I have to go help a friend move, but regardless, you get it.

Blaine proposed to Kurt and it was great. It was sweet, perfectly worded, perfectly presented, and after much agony and despair between them, they finally reconciled. Good for you Kurt and Blaine.
Good for you.

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