
Beauty of life.

The only way to live is in content.
Unaffected by negativity.
People change, people become better people. I thoroughly believe in that and I've visually witnessed it myself...calling it a beautiful site is an understatement.
I feel like every motion, every moment, every sunrise, sunset, every stride, every breathe can parallel a song.
I was told I feel music as a musician does.

Everything is relative to the individual. To one, life may seem too long, to the latter, life is too depends on how you approach it, your experiences, what you expose yourself to, how deeply you explore the vast and un-ventured angles of life, your openness to love, how far your willing to go for your desires.

The saddest tragedy of life is a lack of dreaming. Look within yourself, search for something, whether it be known or simply an exploration.

I've said this tens of times, but think of the moment that just passed when you read the word directly before this one, how important was that moment? Perhaps not very...but that's not the point; the moment you remember, the one that never seems to fade as a memory, those are the ones that come previously and after the seemingly useless's a process, it all builds up, then falls, then builds up to something else you'll never forget. This is the beauty of life.

The power of the things we experience is an inexplicable human event. It's quite beautiful. How we feel after experiencing something unknown to us is another miracle. After those moments, we are unable to feel anything lesser. This is the power of a life worth living. Although all my words are rarely read and by very few people, I hope someone is in agreement with me.

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