
Don't tread on me

Here is me being real.

I'm not one to pour details out on something public but right now, I have to say this. For me.

In my life, there are things that are going so right, so incredibly amazing. Conversely, there are things that are clearly falling to pieces. There are a few people in my life that I would kill for. On the flip side, there are people in my life that aren't even worth these words.

Honestly, simply, I don't need school to get me where I want to be. I don't need 50% of those useless classes that I spend all my money on. The other half are the ones that matter. If life won't let me go to school for the next semester ,then what the fuck i'm gonna have to take off. I can't tread over this shit for long because every day passes and I can't undo wasted moments. But I'll make my time productive if i'm not there. The art of learning an be self-taught. I won't always need someone standing in front of a board, preaching to me.

Honestly, if my dad wants to treat me like SHIT then FUCK it I'll do me and do what I have to do without him badgering me. If he wants to leave me behind...FINE I'LL SURVIVE.

I'm tired of being subtle, or keeping everything I want to say in. Dad, you fucked up. I'll have endless forgiveness for you but right now, you're not my father until you realize everything you've done.

If I've had moments of weakness, I'm telling you that they were justified.

And I thank those few people who have dropped whatever they were doing, whatever they were going through as well to be there and get me through things. And i thank them in advance for doing the same in the future. I hope they know that I will ALWAYS do the same.

In other news, my panda family will stay young forever.

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